Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Traditions, every family has them.  We have a lot.  We have traditions for the "big" things like holidays and ones for "little" things like camping or movie night.  I would say that the hardest part of going Paleo is letting go of these traditions.  It's not just about the food but it's about the memories linked with those foods. For instance we have movie night every weekend with our kids. This started many moons ago and although the movies have changed one thing has remained constant, kettle corn. No, not the kind you buy at the store but home made, like my mom used to make. A little canola oil, some kernels, sugar and salt, yumm!! Or camping (we are getting ready to take the first trip of the year), this was always a time when we "cast off restraint".  Eat all the junk food we stay away from normally and just "have fun". And then there are the holidays (I'll skip over them this time). Anyway, you get my point. Well, here's my real point, I can't do that anymore. Not just because we're Paleo and most of those foods are on the "not" list. I can't do that because now I know. I know what those foods do to my family. I have been educated and can not turn a blind eye. So, what's a mom (and dad) to do? Create new traditions. So far we have made "treats" on movie night; chocolate chip cookies, brownies, ice cream (all Paleo and not all on the same night). Do we still miss kettle corn? YES! but I love my children and my husband more than I miss kettle corn. That one was easy, camping won't be. We have always had a "healthy" SAD diet so camping was about eating all those foods we didn't get normally. I'm pretty sure my kids are expecting that we will cast Paleo aside while camping. We won't but what consessions are we willing to make? Where do we draw the line? What new traditions will we create around the campfire?  I don't know yet but I'm thinking about these things as we are gearing up for our first trip. I do know this, having a plan before we go is key. My husband and I agreeing on what we are willing to "cheat" on is essential. The first time is always hard but go ahead create new traditions you won't regret it. I promise :)

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